Category: Uncategorized

And now for something different: architecture and the Metaverse

I had the privilege of collaborating with Micaela Mantegna on The Anti-Metaverse: Multispace and the Intersections of Reality, an article…

Quick link: First data points on the impact of ChatGPT on employment

The paper: The Short-Term Effects of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Employment: Evidence from an Online Labor Market What they did:…

Using protein language models to accelerate their artificial evolution works; the interesting part is why.

The Nature paper Efficient evolution of human antibodies from general protein language models has already made the rounds, and deservingly…

Quick link: Knowing what your algorithm thinks it knows

The paper: What’s in a Prior? Learned Proximal Networks for Inverse Problems. What it does: This will be clearer with…

AI hiring filters don’t optimize what you think they do

Let’s start with a General Theory of Hiring Filters. Like any filtering algorithm, the output of whatever AI you use…

The expertise architecture of journalism, and how to use AI to kill it faster

(Or save it, if you want.) A good way to think about the knowledge economy (a very problematic term, but…

Quick link: embarrassingly elegant AI+expert optimization teams

The paper: Looping in the Human: Collaborative and Explainable Bayesian Optimization. What it describes: A very elegant way to incorporate…

A quick reminder that deep learning is a hack

Here’s a fun paper from Google Research: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Linear Prediction as a Perceptual Metric. The gist is…

Fig 1 from "Inferring Capabilities from Task Performance with Bayesian Triangulation"

A couple of useful papers on modeling and measuring AIs and human minds

Here’s an interesting pair: Inferring Capabilities from Task Performance with Bayesian Triangulation: The paper describes a way to use hierarchical…

The Spy Who Knew Nothing

So the CIA has a program to train a chatbot to answer questions based on public data. This was to…