You’re underreacting to climate change

(Disregard this if it’s keeping you awake at night and looking at planning scenarios during the day.) It’s taken me…

Further Varieties of Religious Experience

It wasn’t the trolling what broke Liam months after he began posting prayers to The AI (capital T: the exponential…

The Siege

Her mind was shaped like a star fort: beliefs angled so nothing hit them directly, every approach for an argument…

Quick link: It turns out having a better opponent does help you get better

The link: After AI beat them, professional Go players got better and more creative The short version: The overall quality…

How Copilot will lead to hiring more developers, not less

“Second order effect” is just another way of saying “Oops.” (An earlier version of this post got out of hand,…

All-in Ante

The most meaningful move in the game is to enter it for it’s impossible to choose to leave. Sometimes a…

AI and the Complexity of Loss

The most useful and most dangerous concept in AI is the loss function. To train or fit a model is…

The Spirit

He was the spirit of three hundred ninety-two elder care robots in a gray town in the Tottori Prefecture. It…

A Private Deal

The congressman tied to the chair with his body and mind translucent to the vivisecting glare of a hundred sensors…

Quick link: A mathematician on AI for mathematicians

The link: Machine assisted proof, a text version of a recent talk by Terence Tao. The who: Tao is acknowledged…