Quick link: Knowing what your algorithm thinks it knows

The paper: What’s in a Prior? Learned Proximal Networks for Inverse Problems. What it does: This will be clearer with…

AI hiring filters don’t optimize what you think they do

Let’s start with a General Theory of Hiring Filters. Like any filtering algorithm, the output of whatever AI you use…

New short story: “Truth-seeking Sessions”

The bioengineer cleared his throat, looked at nowhere, and said “I’m having nightmares again.” The therapist nodded. “Still dreaming of…

New short story: “Deep Inside the Glitch Forest”

In hindsight, shrugging his shoulders and not spending as much as he could have on a software contract checker had…

The expertise architecture of journalism, and how to use AI to kill it faster

(Or save it, if you want.) A good way to think about the knowledge economy (a very problematic term, but…

Quick link: embarrassingly elegant AI+expert optimization teams

The paper: Looping in the Human: Collaborative and Explainable Bayesian Optimization. What it describes: A very elegant way to incorporate…

New short story: “Of Children and Other Summonses”

Sometimes Asami feels like she’s in a horror story. Not usually: most of her life is company politics and relatively…

A quick reminder that deep learning is a hack

Here’s a fun paper from Google Research: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Linear Prediction as a Perceptual Metric. The gist is…

New short story: “Professional Integrity”

Some of your coworkers seem to look forward to the mandatory therapy sessions. You wonder what they talk about with…

New short story: “NPC Encounters”

The first time you saw John after his funeral was as an anonymous ghoul in a melee fight you really…