Category: Uncategorized

New short story: “The Commute”

There were three doors in Dave’s small living room: one opened into his bedroom, the other into the corridor outside…

Figure from the paper, used w/o permission.

Quick link: de novo antibody design with generative AI

The paper: Unlocking de novo antibody design with generative artificial intelligence. What they did: Used sequence generation models to generate…

Quick link: Configurable apps for grown-ups

The link: (via Scope of Work). What it is: A map/route planning tool for biking. Think “Waze specifically for…

New short story: “Upon the Place Beneath”

And it turned out that we built software patient enough to hallucinate medicines that worked and patient enough to teach…

Quick link: How efficient is public infrastructure investment?

The paper: Benchmarking Infrastructure Using Public Investment Efficiency Frontiers (IMF Working papers). What they do: The authors check empirically the…

AI and your career

It doesn’t look good. The key impact of easily available AI — call it AI as a Service — is…

New short story: “How to hunt monsters”

You have to be subtle when letting people know about the zombie-infested valley. You don’t want mass panic, armies, chaos….

How to improve your information diet in a generative AI world

Now that low- or negative-quality content has moved from “too much” to “nearly ubiquitous” it’s time to reconsider from scratch…

New short story: “Iterative Prototyping”

Seven secret closed bunkers were rehearsing the end of the world. It was delicate work to build an stable synthetic…

New short story: “Forensic Analysis”

Kate’s anger always knew it first. The rest of us would follow: we were looking at the data with as…