Category: Fiction

New short story: “A Sense of Identity”

When the doors opened you were so surprised you almost didn’t take off the neural reading crown. The machine couldn’t…

New short story: “Criminogenic Tech”

She entered her bedroom to find a man she couldn’t recognize drinking coffee on her bed with the million-yard stare…

Innovation is what you build when everybody else is nervous

Here’s a couple of interesting facts: Venture investment sentiment on systemic innovation is flighty. The long-term competitive value of systemic…

New short story: “Targeting Protocols”

When the assassin asked for an updated map of the city her local contact linked her to a forum; the…

New short story: “Small Transactions”

Your thumbprint was rushed and awkward as you struggled with your phone and the grocery bags; the interest rate was…

New short story: “A Catalog of Invisible Things”

Pick an emotion. Any emotion. Not clumsy categories like “fear” and “joy.” Choose the half-breath between hearing behind you that…

New short story: “Extraneous”

I’m using words against habit and training. I’m a scientist: I know natural languages are as untrustworthy as unmodified physiology…

New short story: “A Map of the Sea”

He had the right prompt, the summoning spell; and he had the right AI, the scrying device. Why did the…

New short story: “A Willingness to Help”

The Senator made a face as soon as she saw the man gagged and strapped to your laboratory table. You…

New short story: “To Watch with Loving Eyes”

Last Friday they fired Joan from HR. As they burned her access she wasn’t allowed to post. The point of…