Author: Marcelo

New short story: “Blue Collar”

You woke up to the news that the company running your gut microbiota had been acquired by a private equity…

New short story: “Wordless Prayers of the Small Ones”

People thought it was a new, epidemic form of infantile agoraphobia, or at least it was good for advertising revenue…

New short story: “The Poisonous Song of the Skies”

We saw it by accident. It wasn’t the sort of extraterrestrial signal we had been looking for, nor the type…

New short story: “Noontime Dawns”

You wait until the only sounds come from the environmental systems before using the stolen codes to leave your room….

How the New York Times’ coverage changed between September and October 2019

A bit of commentary on the page.

New short story: “War Drone”

There’s nothing so primitive as a point of view in a swarm. The rest on Adversarial Metanoia.

New short story: “Blue, Grey, Red”

You don’t switch off the union’s AI overlay in your glasses because you’re a bad cop. You’re every bit as…

Mapping the shift in what the NY Times covers

A quick “map” of what changed in the NY Times coverage between August and September 2019.

New short story: “The Last Words of the Hero of the Heatwave Wars”

The five stages of ecological grief were climate denial, ethno-nationalistic anger, economic depression, and then bargaining with Alison Brun’s company…

New short story – and short SF newsletter

As an experiment, I’ve started a very stochastically scheduled short SF email newsletter, Adversarial Metanoia. The first short posted, The…