The LLM revolution is going great

Clarkesworld had to shut down its submission form due to an unmanageable deluge of bad AI-generated fiction – and no,…

When you have a generic content generator, everything looks generic content

Rob Beschizza on Google’s “news writing AI” makes a key point most organizations miss: generating the content isn’t the expensive…

The problem isn’t intelligence being artificial, it’s intelligence being uniform

SEC Chair Gary Gensler is worried about the impact of AI on financial market stability, basically on the ground that…

New short story: “Bad Feelings”

Humans can experience internal states so unprecedented we don’t have even approximate labels for. Pleasures new to the most jaded,…

New short story: “How to survive visiting a dead town”

When the walls whisper an offer never say “yes.” This is not a first-order problem if you’re exploring a guns-and-crypto…

Wavelights and AIs as strategic amplifiers

I’m not a runner, but let’s start with running. The New York Times published a few days ago an article…

NPS, I’m looking at you…

Mutatis mutandis (left as an exercise for the reader) this is the most important thing you’ll read all year about…

New short story: “A Distant Home”

Exile had been the announced price of failure and (only technically legal) neuroengineering cartels were not known for mercy. When…

New short story: “A Sense of Community”

She dreams often of what had been the most peaceful place in her life. It’s not her only nightmare but…

New short story: “Emotional Surplus”

Had the neuroengineering of knowledge been easier than that of emotions — had humans brains excelled at knowing and being…