Quick link: How true industrial AI will look like

The link: ShortCircuit: AlphaZero-Driven Circuit Design

What's in it? It describes and shows a prototype tool that leverages AlphaZero and some very domain-specific engineering to improve the synthesis phase of chip design (roughly speaking, tha part where the Boolean truth tables that describe what you want it to do are transformed into a normalized circuit description).

Why it's important for the industry: Chip design is one of the most critical, high-leverage engineering activities in the global economy. It's also extremely tricky and computationally complex at the frontier. Current chips would be impossible to even design, much less build, without the use of specialized software to "think them out"; future chips will require radically new software for it, and the more superhuman your chip design tools become, the more of an advantage you get against everybody else.

Why it's interesting to all industries: Most people — most businesses — think about AI mainly in terms of what it can do through natural language, but natural language is *not* how we do physics, engineering, biology, etc. Each has multiple highly technical specific languages; the Scientific Revolution was fueled as much about the advantages of math over language to do these things as it was about experimental protocols. We do have extraordinary advances in what you might call non-linguistic AIs on the lines of AlphaZero, MuZero, etc., and those are likely to have a much larger impact on society, economics, and technology than anything you can prompt. A human-level search-and-rewrite tool can be a very good thing (at least in certain contexts), but tools for superhuman engineering and science are at a totally different level and scope of impact.