The most useful phrase about AI you will read this month


From Cory Doctorow's indispensable Pluralistic:

That's the true cost of all the automation-driven unemployment criti-hype: while we're nowhere near a place where bots can steal your job, we're certainly at the point where your boss can be suckered into firing you and replacing you with a bot that fails at doing your job

I pay my bills designing and building AIs — I'm professionally (and attitudinally) predisposed in favor of them. But both a theoretical understanding of how AIs work and pretty much everybody's experience with them show that we don't really have jobs that map well to the capabilities in what we currently call "AI" (one exception: the sort of at-scale meaning-free bullshit writing that some people are paid pennies for but that we don't really want more of, do we?).

There are three rough categories of business AI projects:

As a rule of thumb, the first type of project is a dead end for everybody, the second type of project is a good fit for large organizations where large improvements in the productivity of specific tasks can have a relevant aggregate impact, and the third type of project is at the core of high-risk/high-upside early stage startups (or analogous projects inside larger organizations).